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Registrations now open for first five roadshows!
Registrations for the 2024 ISG- and CCNZ-hosted TTM roadshows in Tauranga, Christchurch, Auckland, Palmerston North and Napier are now open.
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Save the date: 2024 TTM roadshows
These roadshows are designed to expand understanding of risk-based TTM and engage the diverse range of stakeholders involved in the TTM sector as we work together to transition toward a…
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Last call for feedback on TTM Credentials Framework
Consultation on the proposed new TTM Credentials Framework closes at 5pm on Friday 5 April, which means you have just over a week to let us know what you think.
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ISG attends TMAA National Conference
ISG Chair Dave Tilton and Deputy Chair Darren Wu recently presented at the Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) annual conference in the Gold Coast.
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What's happening with the NZTA NZGTTM pilots - North Canterbury
Downer has been using, and will continue to use, the North Canterbury NOC pilot to test its commitment to embedding key workstreams into our NZGTTM risk-based approach, serving as a…
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What's happening with the NZTA NZGTTM pilots - Manawatū
The Manawatū – Whanganui NOC is led by Higgins with Beca as professional services partner.
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What's happening with the NZTA NZGTTM pilots - Northland
The Fulton Hogan Northland NOC NZGTTM pilot is focused on reactive and planned cyclic maintenance works.
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♫This is how we do it♫
One of the questions we get most as the ISG is ‘How do I get started?’. The good news is, it's easier than you think.
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Downer interactive risk assessment tool now available online
Managing risks is an activity undertaken by all workers every day. Often workers are managing risks in a very complex outdoor environment.
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TTM ISG responds to Draft GPS on land transport 2024-34
The Temporary Traffic Management Industry Steering Group recognises the importance of ensuring value for money in temporary traffic management (TTM), as outlined in the draft GPS for Land Transport.