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ISG meetings with Government on behalf of TTM sector

This month ISG Chair Dave Tilton and other ISG members met with Transport Minister, Hon Simeon Brown, and Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety, Hon Brooke van Velden.

Both Ministers expressed an interest in the work of the ISG in supporting the transition to a more risk-based approach to TTM through the lenses of their respective portfolios, and we look forward to continuing these conversations. 

Some highlights from the meeting with Transport Minister, Hon. Simeon Brown

  • Discussed how the TTM sector had traditionally operated in a fragmented way and how, through the ISG, we are, for the first time, enabling a much more connected industry.
  • Also discussed the significant difference between the compliance-based approach of CoPTTM and the more risk-based approach to TTM described in the NZGTTM, the current gap in capability of the TTM sector around this and the impact this has on how fast we can successfully transition.
  • That said, there was also discussion around 'quick wins' and what was possible now.
  • We highlighted the importance of early, integrated TTM planning in delivering value for money, and presented a case study where this resulted in economic disruption savings of more than $5 million. Acknowledgement that this is easier for bigger projects but most TTM is smaller scale - how do we impact that?
  • Discussed the 'spiral' - public disrespect or disregard for TTM leads to a greater need for TTM to keep everyone safe. On the flipside, better public sentiment and greater compliance requires less TTM to keep everyone safe.
  • Minister noted this is a topic that he is very interested in and would like to reconnect in the future. There was no negative sentiment toward the industry and he is very focused on the end goal and what we need to do to get there together.

Some highlights from the meeting with Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety, Hon. Brooke van Velden

  • Minister was very keen to understand the different roles played by NZTA Waka Kotahi and Worksafe with regard to TTM
  • Discussed Health and Safety reform and the Minister's intent to connect with as broad a spectrum of stakeholders as possible. She was interested in what the ISG would like to see on behalf of the TTM sector. We shared our concerns around the inadequate level of regulatory instruments below the Act to establish a roadmap for successful H&S management in New Zealand (compared to, for example, Australia).
  • The Minister was also interested in the perception of TTM by the public, particularly around who it is keeping safe (road users vs. road workers, when in reality the answer is both).
  • The Minister expressed a desire for the ISG to contribute feedback around health and safety reform as planned by the government for this term, when the time comes.