♫This is how we do it♫
One of the questions we get most as the ISG is ‘How do I get started?’. The good news is, it's easier than you think.
It’s not an all or nothing and you don’t have to go from 0-100 overnight. You don’t have to undertake a full trial, a step change is a simple way to get started. Give it a go!
We thought it’d be a great idea to bring together examples of some of the ways - big and small - people are starting to incorporate a more risk-based approach to TTM into their work.
We’re keen to make this a regular thing, so if you’ve got an example of how you’re moving toward a more risk-based approach to TTM, we’d love to hear from you - email info@ttm-isg.org with your example/s.
In the meantime, we have a few examples from the Northland Transportation Alliance about how they’re incorporating a more risk-based approach to TTM into their work:
Risk Assessment
- Site Specific Risk Assessment - NTA has made it a requirement for a site specific risk assessment to be submitted with all traffic management plans. They believe the key is to start and to “Give it a go” – 5Gs. It might not be perfect and they might not get it right first time, but like Shaquille O’Neal said: “Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly."
- Plan-Do-Check-Act - NTA is challenging contractors to look at sites with a risk-based lens and put their CoPTTM lens to the side. Look at the cones and signs set out – do they have a purpose, do they make sense and are the controls being complied with? If not, review it.
Handing back control to the contractor
- Changes from CoPTTM are highlighted by the contractor, assessed together and accepted and/or changes are agreed.
- Contractors have flexibility to submit TMP forms that suit their needs, not necessarily the NZGTTM or COPTTM templates.
Overlapping Duties
- Bringing the contractor or foreman for the job into TTM discussions when we engage with the STMS on worksites.
Our next steps are:
- TMP Planning Process - Requirement to include details of who was involved in planning meetings and risk reviews in the TMP. Led by the 3Cs – consult, cooperate, coordinate.
- TMP approval by Contractor PCBU - Getting the lead contractor to sign off the TMP before the Corridor Access Request (CAR) is submitted for risk review and Network Access Coordination approval by the CAR team.